Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Man-made Dogma

I've been sick for about a week now, so my sleep patterns have been really off the wall. Because of this, I was awake at 3 am this morning and decided to go grocery shopping at Walmart. I was in a Five Iron Frenzy mood, so I grabbed "The End Is Near" to listen to during the drive. I really wanted to hear "New Years Eve", since it's pretty much a tradition now for me to listen to that song during the New Year.

While jumping around different tracks on the album while in the car, I ended up listening to "Something Like Laughter". The song is basically about about a "girl who's lost her way". She's trying to find meaning in her life and struggling with her faith and the world around her. The chorus is basically a prayer for the girl to see the glory and wonder of God. I can relate to this (as I'm sure most true Christians can) because there was a time when I was also struggling with my faith and God stepped in and revealed Himself to me, which propelled me out of the rut I had fallen in.

I have heard this song many times before and I think it is one of the most moving, beautiful songs Five Iron Frenzy has ever written. While listening to it this time, however, one particular lyric really struck me: "searching for more than mere lies disguised as dogma". This got me thinking about the state of the church. What does the church claim as doctrinal dogma that is no such thing?

Sure some particular denominations are legalistic, and that would fit the profile. However, during this election season, it really got me thinking about politics. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the vast majority of Christians believe that voting Republican is Bibilically mandated. Now, I'm not a Democrat, but any person with half a brain can see the flaw in this line of thinking.

Understandably, certain moral issues are discussed rather specifically in the Bible and the Republicans stance on several of these issues is on the side of Christianity. However, it doesn't follow that being a Christian equals being a Republican. This will be the first election I am strongly considering voting for Independents in the election. In fact, there is only one Republican I would support: Ron Paul. While the Evangelicals are falling all over Mike Huckabee, he does not truly stand for The Constitution and has a questionable past as governor of Arkansas.

I do not mean for this to be all about voting for Ron Paul. This is a decision I have come to for various reasons. I just hope that during this year's election Christians at least consider their voting options before blindly vote for Republicans. Do a little research, and it is very clear that the Republican Party is not pro-Christian, it is pro-votes. In other words, they care little for your beliefs and care more that they appear to support your issues so you will vote for them.


mem said...

I haven't been to Moscow, no, though I do have relatives who live in and around Bonner's Ferry.

For the moment, I'm fairly content with where I'm at. I have a good job and good friends. When it's time to go, I'll go, though I don't know where. I'll add Idaho to the list, though. ;)

Char said...

Yay you wrote a new post! Congratulations on getting over the hump.

The Christian Right could stand to learn something from the Christian Left-that is once they have chewed you up they will spit you out.

In such discussions I am regularly reminded of Machiavelli's advice to be sure to keep the appearance of religion, morality and humanity, but for heaven's sake never actually hold to them! Injurious indeed.

"If men were entirely good this precept would not hold, but because they are bad, and will not keep faith with you, you too are not bound to observe it with them."

Hope you are feeling better soon.

mem said...

When all of my hair is gone, I may tattoo that on my head. Haha.

Char said...

What, politician's mantra up there? You are Machiavellian.

Char said...


mem said...

No, that it's a little known fact that God is bald.

Char said...

Is it really? I don't think Jesus was bald and he is of course the very image of God. Talk about wanting a glimpse of the deus neudus.

Of course Ms. relates status. At least around here it does. No married woman I know calls herself Ms. Since I am not in a common-law relationship, divorced, a lesbian or a single mother-the things Ms. is generally used for-I am NOT a Ms.
Thank you.

You can call me Dr. if you like.

And yes I am so guarded about the facts of my life it's scary. phft.

Char said...

So did you drop over the edge while proving the earth was flat? Hope things are going well for you.

Char said...


Char said...

That's how I felt for most of my life having to get up in the morning.

...Well I am always antisocial.

Hope you get to sleep for awhile after all the nights.