Monday, October 29, 2007


Because I'm such a huge football fan and this is one of the most ridiculous plays I have ever seen...


Char said...

The fact that you aspire to my level of "talent" kind of proves that indeed you must not have much, because I don't have so much of that myself.

Veneers might help you out. Veneers can make up for talent.

As for the football; if it doesn't involve Riders winning and/or Winnipeg getting polaxed, I generally remain indifferent. However that was pretty cool.

mem said...

Watch out. Char is going to try to turn you from your chosen vocation into her special brand of time wastagement (her own word).

I'm on the last page in the first three of the last four pictures. Clear as mud? I am certainly not a 300lb trucker named Mabel.

mem said...

It's actually more because I'm lazy and I have a really dry face. It doesn't appear that oil from the beard collects anywhere, though.

Char said...

What brand of time wastagement? I have a brand?

Shee admitted to me that the photos she has posted are fake. And her name is Gertie.

Char said...

I will when you do.

Char said...


Hope you have a good Thanksgiving.

Char said...

Yes I am impossibly offended by your absence. How dare you live a normal life!

Hope you get a chance to take things easy over the holidays.

Char said...

Sure go ahead. Keep in mind though that Saskatchewan is pretty fricking cold at this time of the year. And boring at just about any time.

Char said...

Ah well sorry. I'll try and pretend if that's what you want...I guess.

Ahh you creeped me out.

How's that? Believable? Maybe I should write totally creeped me out. What is my motivation here anyway?

While you're so so alone in your room alone on Christmas, you should write a new blog post. This is getting ridiculous.

mem said...

I'm with Char.

I understand about thejosher. But bennie and Qat tend to have perspectives that are relatively uncommon, and so the exposure is good. But our conversations are difficult to really sort through sometime. Like Qat's inability to understand where penal substitution occurs in the Passover. It's easy for me to see, and I think she just refuses to.

So I dunno. Some friends of mine have been talking about going to the PAX in Seattle next year—if we do and you can get time off, we should hang out. Char can come visit too, and we can all wreak havoc.

Char said...

I dunno.

Write on why praise music stinketh.

Write on your predilection for being a creepy stalker and why you are failing so miserably in your goal.

Write on why losers are all wrong in their loserish theology.

Write on wondering why mem is deluded into thinking he is with me when he so obviously isn't.

Write on why I think your forums aquaintance should be called kumquat.

I feel like an english teacher.
Oo oo teacher what should I write about? Oo oo teacher how should I write it?

Personally I am going to polish off the twelve shifts of Christmas.

I don't know what PAX is, but pax is like latin for peace. I would love to crash and ruin something that called itself after the latin for peace.

BTW, does any one call your forums acquaintance kumquat? Cause I would. Hahah.

Char said...

You are trying to be funny aren't you.

mem didn't even want to pretend to be my fake boyfriend-you would have better luck than I.

mem said...

No offense, J, but you wouldn't. If you were a girl, maybe. Haha. I vote for praise music.

mem said...

I lost track of the comment thread.

The "I'm with Char" was "I agree with Char." She's trying to twist my words again.

My last comment was that no, you don't have a better chance with me than Char, sorry. Maybe if you were a girl. Reformed women are rare where I live.

Char said...

mem told me all you need is good theology and a pulse. You have those right?

Are you adding extra stipulations now mem? And you crankily accused me of doing that with the hits on my family. Hypocrite.

mem said...

How am I in any way adding conditions???

This is a strange conversation.

Char said...

I hope you don't expect me, the person working two evenings, three nights, a day and six more nights-that makes 12 if you can't count-all in a row to feel sorry for you doing a measly seven.

And I got to work today and discovered that I've received another night shift. Lucky thirteen!

I also feel that unless you really do clean up poo for a living, as I do you have no right to remove that f.

Unitarian Crocs wearers go to the absolute bottom of the list. I would rather claim to be the girlfriend of old scratch, he probably has better fashion sense.
Being upgraded to real boyfriend requires near perfection. Unfortunately I wouldn't be good enough for the man good enough for me.

mem you are adding being a girl to having good theology and a pulse. I don't think that was part of your original plan.

mem said...

You just have problems with grace. And I am hardly adding conditions. You're the one with the family who thinks I'm gay.

mem said...

Personally, sep, I think that Qat and Bennie both have read a lot, and that's inspired me to look at other things, too—and while I certainly disagree with them both on things, the perspective is always valuable.

I still don't quite understand their idea of 'participation-atonement' rather than penal substitution, but between them and some other friends, I have learned a bit more about it. That sort of experience is valuable to me.

I lost most of my taste for Internet debate when the newsgroup turned from mostly okay into a crapfest. I still have good friends there, people I have quite a bit of respect for, but these days honest to goodness study is what keeps me going. Arguing is fun, too—but only in the right company.

Char said...

Hey did your night shifts swallow you whole? As you can see I survived mine.

Happy new year. Here's to having a break, however short it may be.